Thursday, April 10, 2008


Thursday - 10 March 2008
8.35 a.m. - Malaysian Time

The market yesterday open at 3395 and closed at 3325. The highest was at 3400 and the lowest was at 3290.

The market open at 3395 and moved up to 3400 at 11.00 a.m. and later fell to the lowest of the day at 3290 at 5.40 p.m.It then moved up to close at 3325.As I mentioned yesterday ( see #1 ), if the market passed down the level 3335 to 3340, the market would fall further and it did. To those who practice day trading would have taken the advantage of this market movement of buying back before it bouced back and started moving up to the closing level.


I beleive those who have been following my blog ( if there is any ) may have the idea of how to go about entering and exiting the market. So as for today, I just say " have a nice trading "

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